Enterprise Hub Showcase Event : February 22nd 2007


08:00 Breakfast reception and exhibition
09:00 Welcome James E. Brathwaite, CBE, SEEDA Chairman
Opening remarks Peter Day, MC
09:15 Keynote Speaker Luke Johnson
09:45 Questions for Luke Johnson
10:15 Break
10:45 Growth Entrepreneurship
Do we really understand the drivers of New Venture Success? John Cavill presents the key findings from his research on entrepreneurship within high-growth knowledge-based enterprises, especially commissioned by the Enterprise Hub Network for this event
11:15 Panel Debate featuring Luke, John, Peter and other invited guests to discuss research
12:00 Buffet Lunch with a chance to tour the exhibition
13:00 Showcase Challenge Six selected Enterprise Hub Network Companies have 10 minutes in which to pitch their businesses for the chance to win a cash prize and potential investment
14:30 Break
15:00 Closing remarks and summary of day
Award presented to winning pitch Compered by Peter Day

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Growth Entrepreneurship and Executive Summary documents