PARTNER: CommercialiSE

If you need support to develop a new business idea, and you are based in the South East of England, CommercialiSE could help you to access advice, funds and industry experts

CommercialiSE is a collaborative partnership between eleven universities in the South East, Finance South East Ltd (FSE ) and the Enterprise Hub Network.

It links university knowledge with business expertise in the South East to deliver an integrated framework of funding and support. Academics, university staff, students, alumni, SMEs and entrepreneurs can turn innovative ideas into commercial realities through:

  • Proof of Concept Funding for early stage business ideas with commercial potential
  • Seed Funding for proven products/services with a feasible route to market
  • Business Training to gain commercialisation skills for CommercialiSE Fellows
  • Mentoring for independent business advice
  • Executives Register for experienced and skilled business experts  


CommercialiSE has access to a wide range of industry experts through the Enterprise Hub Network, the South East Sector Consortia and other trade bodies.  

CommercialiSE Members can benefit from this market knowledge in order to:

  • Establish the market potential for their business idea and/or technology
  • Identify links to potential customers
  • Share latest thinking Each partner is taking a lead in an industry sector and has developed a network of market contacts.  


One company that has benefited from the CommercialiSE programme is DECoRuM. Research fellow Dr Rajat Gupta of Oxford Brookes University used proof of concept funding via the CommercialiSE programme to develop a unique computer mapping system that can pinpoint the amount of carbon dioxide given off by individual buildings. 

DECoRuM (domestic energy, carbon counting and carbon-reduction model) is a next generation GIS-based model for counting, costing and reducing CO2 emissions from existing UK dwellings.    Funding from the South East Proof of Concept Fund led to market assessment of the programme, and ultimately to the production of a toolkit for UK local authorities, energy advisors, building surveyors and real estate professionals to help count, cost and reduce domestic carbon emissions. The Proof of Concept Fund also financed the creation of a web-based demonstration model ( and promotional information.  

The working of the model has been demonstrated by applying it to a case study in the City of Oxford, and the results validated by comparing with local and case-study specific databases. The application of DECoRuM in this case study shows that reductions in CO2 emissions above 60% are possible at a cost of £6-£77 per tonne of CO2 saved, depending upon the package of measures used, and the scenario of capital cost employed (low cost or high cost).  

Companies can access the CommercialiSE programme through the Enterprise Hub Network; contact your local Enterprise Hub Director for more information.

Author: CommercialiSE Project Manager - Beverley Lockton

Created Date: 17-12-2007


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