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INNOVATIONS: Under Pressure

Poorly inflated tyres cost money and lives. Ninety percent of the cars on Britain’s roads have tyres that are an average 10% under-inflated; this means that they wear out 8% faster and cost 2% more in fuel

An Oxfordshire Enterprise Hub company, Wheelright Ltd, has tackled the problem with a rollover tyre pressure sensor that delivers data instantly over the Internet to wherever it is most useful. As a vehicle drives over the slim metal and rubber housing, sensors pick up approximately 12,000 data points from each tyre, reading and processing data about pressure, load distribution, vehicle weight, speed and time. The motorist could have his/her tyres checked whenever he/she stops for petrol at a location in which they can correct the problem. The fleet controller back at base could monitor and manage vehicles more effectively ensuring they leave the yard in the best possible condition. The potential environmental benefits are clear and the company won recognition of this as finalists in the 2007 Shell Springboard competition for carbon reduction technologies. The savings to the UK national car and truck fuel bill are also significant, at £500 million per annum.

Author: Enterprise Hub Director - John Lee

Created Date: 17-12-2007


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