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INNOVATIONS - TULMAP mini air vehicle takes off

Southampton Hub client Proctor Aerospace has developed a shoulder-launched mini air reconnaissance vehicle.

The TULMAP UA unmanned vehicle has a weight of just 1.7 kilograms, and can cruise at 14 m/s for up to an hour, either controlled by an operator, or using automatic systems.  

The vehicle carries thermal imaging and optical sensors, and can be used for “over-the-hill” reconnaissance, perimeter surveillance or emergency communications  

Inventor and CEO of Proctor Aerospace Sam Proctor commented, “The ability to deploy within seconds, requiring no assembly time brings an extra degree of deployability to troops in the field. Because it is constructed from mainly off-the-shelf parts, the TULMAP offers a low-cost reliable method of obtaining aerial video for almost any application.”  

Contact Sam Proctor T+44(0)1793 785343 E [email protected]

Author: Ally Charles

Created Date: 08-11-2006


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