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SHOWCASE: Investment Readiness - Alinea Interactive Limited



MARKET OFFER - Using 3D Technology to Bring Learning Alive

Alinea Interactive Limited, a client of the MIlton Keynes Enterprise Hub, came up with the idea of manipulating 3-dimensional environments and simulation to provide real-time learning.

The software can help anyone who needs to communicate, teach, test or provide an experience via a computer screen instead of a live experience. It’s goes beyond visual delivery, also offering efficient ways to handle files and improve workflow.


Alinea’s initial challenge was to grow without major investment, by developing its product on live client projects, but this meant they spent much of their time coping with daily challenges and fire fighting, rather than looking ahead.

The Hub’s input helped them to change its business model from a consultancy to a product-based business. That has helped them to focus on market sectors where there is real opportunity, and given the business a scalable base that offers investors a real opportunity.

“Business planning with the Hub has forced us to focus on the future, and helped us to achieve sustainable growth.” Director Grayham Amos.    

PROSPECTS - Funding Growth Through Earnings

Alinea plans to continue to work with customers to develop real solutions to identified problems and to fund further growth through earned profit. They are currently working on a commission for Fujifilm to build a sales presentation compiler that they plan to convert into a generic product for general sale.

Hub Director, Chris Dunkley said, “Alinea came to the Hub with some fantastic technical expertise and skills. We worked with them to commercialise their ideas, and to develop a business model that gives real potential for growth.”


Tim Askey is a very experienced computer programmer with expertise in multimedia applications.

His co-director Grayham Amos (right) trained originally as a graphic designer and moved into business and studio management with an expertise in sales.


Distance/e-learning is thriving across the world. The research report Growing by Degrees: Online Education in the US 2005, published last November, reported that online enrolment in the US increased from 1.98 million in 2003 to 2.35 million a year later, a growth rate more than 10 times that predicted by the National Center for Education Statistics for the general post-secondary student population.    

International Data Corporation estimates that $25.31 million was spent on e-learning in Singapore alone in 2004, and this figure is expected to triple by 2008.

Contact: Grayham Amos

Published: 23rd March 2006

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