
The Enterprise Hub Network specialises in knowledge-based businesses with pioneering ideas. We have built up an unrivalled range of services to meet the needs of businesses bringing innovative ideas to market. And, because we are funded by SEEDA, we are able to provide most of these services to qualifying companies free of charge.

As a member of the Enterprise Hub Network, you'll have access to help from your local Hub Director, who will be able to advise you on general business issues, and to point you towards relevant help from other sources. The close working relationship you can expect to develop with your Hub Director will be central to the help you will get from the Network.

"We wouldn't be where we are today without the support of the Enterprise Hub Network. As the company grows we feel confident that the Network will continue to work with us and make sure we keep making the right decisions."
Tim Hayes, Chief Executive of The People's Web Ltd

Your Hub Director's role is to champion your business. They have no allegiance to any service provider, and no pre-conceived plan for developing your business, so they are free to draw on whatever support they feel is best for you.

Your Hub will work with you to produce an action plan for your business. It's up to you to implement that plan, but your Hub Director will always be on hand to review your progress and identify the next steps you need to take.

What Next?

High Growth Business Coaching Website