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We’re growing fast – do we need to employ people and, if so, how do I make sure I recruit the right people?

"Many entrepreneurs baulk at the thought of taking staff onto their payroll. But you shouldn't let that get in the way of making the right decision for your business" says Martin Brassell

The good news is that a lot of the dull but vital stuff (like payroll and advice on regulatory compliance) can be outsourced at low cost. The big question is likely to be whether your business can stand the fixed costs and cash demands that full-time employees place on it. Assuming you can hire staff, here are a few points to help you hire the right help on the right terms:

  • People work best when they have worked together previously. So before going out to market, rack your brains for people you know, or people who may know people.
  • Spend time on the job description. It’s fundamental to help you work out what role you really need. Put yourself in an applicant’s shoes and ask whether the role appears a) do-able and b) desirable?
  • Draw up a check sheet for interviews and make sure you ask everyone the same basic questions. Be clear about the qualifications you are seeking, and know your legal obligations.
  • Recognise that applicants may see joining a small growing company as risky, and questionable in terms of career progression!
  • Protect your business with a contract of employment with confidentiality clauses, to ensure all your Intellectual Property stays yours.

Martin Brassell Aylesbury Vale Enterprise Hub

Contact: Ally Charles


Published: 12th April 2008

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